Rebecca works in multiple mediums creating Art on a wide variety of subjects. Her portfolio is divided into subjects rather than medium, to make it easier to find what you like !! Inspired by travel, people, nature and art & Influences from her design career can often be seen running through her work. She creates what she enjoys and wants you to enjoy her work too !


'Rebecca works mainly with Screenprints, mixing colours on each layer to achieve a painterly effect and sometimes adds other print processes such as Monoprinting or Linocut. Because of combining these techniques, Rebecca’s pieces are mostly one-off originals or small variable editions - where each artwork has its own individual characteristics.'

Oil painting

Using a palette knife, working mostly with oils Rebecca paints with a semi-abstract approach, often on larger pieces. She adds the paint in numerous fine layers, adding extra colours and marks to create depth, texture and intrigue - so that the viewer can see something different every time they look !!

Please get in touch if you see a piece of art that you like …. even if that piece is sold, there may be something similar in the planchest !!