Hot off the painting/screenprinting press /aka kitchen table…. acrylic application station….

Latest creation, started with absolutely no idea how it would go apart from I knew it was going to be abstract and that I wanted two strong areas of orange and red colours… that was all !!!

As it progressed I started to see a city scape, as did everyone else in my family and they all liked it …. which is a first !!!! This piece also got very strong, positive reactions when I posted it on instagram which is always a good sign….

I love New York and have visited multiple times - it is a fabulous place so this was in my thoughts as ‘City Vibes’ developed.

A name of the artwork always springs to mind while I am creating it as I also always had my own pet name for my design projects too, which I probably used to use when talking to the client… it is just something that happens !

Now, nearly at the end of it… I have put a reel together… but can’t work out how to transfer it at the moment so here is a photo for now…. !!

Measuring 600 x 900mm Image without a frame, 630 x 930 in frame. - will post this later too…